Rate Hearing
Rate Increase
Statement from Steuben Lakes Regional Waste District SLRWD Regarding Rate Increase
SLRWD is committed to providing exceptional water quality management in our region and is responsible for the central sewer system. A properly run central sewer system is vital to our way of life now and for future generations. SLRWD is committed to providing quality service and support to members of our district and will continue to communicate to and work alongside our community.
On February 3, 2023 in the Daily Reporter newspaper and on February 1, 2023 in the Steuben and Lagrange KPC newspapers, the District sent out a public notice regarding an upcoming public hearing to discuss an impending rate increase in the District. In addition, this notice was published on SLRWD’s website beginning February 1, 2023, and ran through at least March 23, 2023. These notices were in accordance with Indiana state statutes and were placed on our website and on two separate occasions in all relevant newspapers.
On February 14, 2023, SLRWD held a public hearing in accordance with Indiana Statue.
SLRWD sent a letter to ratepayers on February 15, 2023, addressing the rate increase.
The following is a copy of the letter.
Dear Ratepayer:
We write to inform you that the Board of Trustees of the Steuben Lakes Regional Waste District (the “District”) has adopted a new schedule of rates and charges for sanitary sewage collection and treatment service provided to your property. A copy of the new schedule of rates and charges can be found on the back side of this letter or at for your reference in compliance with Ind. Code §13-26-11-13 and Ind. Code §13-26-11-15.
Unfortunately, this increase is necessary for the District to continue to meet its obligations and provide service to your area due to increases in the District’s costs; to maintain and improve the collection system; and to stay in compliance with the requirements of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. The District works very hard to keep rates as low as possible, and the District is working diligently to evaluate options that could help with your rates.
So you are aware, you have rights under Indiana Code Section 13-26-11-15 to appeal this increase by gathering signatures from fifty (50) rate payers (or 10% of all rate payers whichever is fewer) and filing a written petition objecting to these rates and charges. A petition must: 1) contain the name and address of each petitioner; 2) be filed with a member of the district authority (contact your county commissioners for this information) by March 16th and sets forth the grounds for the objection.
Please contact the District’s office at the address or telephone number shown above if you have questions or concerns.
We look forward to continuing to provide you with excellent service.
Sincerely, Bryan Klein, Superintendent
Steuben Lakes Regional Waste District

The new rates took effect March 1, 2023.
Why a rate increase?
The current increase is necessary for the District to continue to meet its obligations and provide service to our area due to increases in the District’s costs; to maintain and improve the collection and treatment system; and to stay in compliance with the requirements of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. SLRWD is proactive in its care and maintenance of our wastewater management systems, providing regular upgrades that help prevent further, costly repairs.
Additionally, an important priority for the District is to fund the Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s required collection system upgrades to decommission the old leach fields which have exceeded their useful life. This project is known as “NED Phase II”.