About the System
The Sanitary Sewer System
The Steuben Lakes Regional Waste District sanitary sewer system helps maintain cleaner, safer water for our families and businesses. Yes, it is costly, but it is an investment in our health, environment and economy for generations to come.
Construction of the SLRWD sanitary sewer system and treatment plant was completed in 2005.
The collection system consists of:
Wastewater Treatment Plant
The wastewater treatment plant has a capacity of 1 million gallons per day and includes:
- Class III treatment facility consisting of 3 SBRs (Sequencing Batch Reactors)
- A decant flow equalization basin
- A cloth filtration system
- Ultraviolet disinfecting system
- Cascade aeration
- Bio-solids processing facility
- Final solids are hauled and applied to agriculture land
- Laboratory facilities
The plant’s staff includes a Superintendent, a Treatment Plant Operator, a Laboratory Technician, a Bio-solids Process Equipment Operator, Plant Maintenance Technician, a Collection System Supervisor, Maintenance Supervisor, and six Collection System Maintenance Technicians. Our office staff consists of a Director of Administration, Accounting Department Clerk, Billing and Payroll clerk, and two Small Project Inspectors.