The Steuben Lakes Regional Waste District (SLRWD) is committed to providing exceptional water quality management in our region and is responsible for the central sewer system. The District strives to provide quality service and support to our customers.
Pay My Bill
Steuben Lakes Regional Waste District customers can view and pay their bill online 24/7 with a credit card, debit card or eCheck through InvoiceCloud, a third party payment processor, specializing in secure bill payment options.
The due date for all monthly charges is the 30th of each month. February is the only exception and then it is the 28th. In the event of a returned item, your account will be debited the original amount of the payment plus $35.00 to cover any expenses incurred by our office.
District Information
Financial Statement for 2023
Budget and actual comparison statements are provided in the financial statements, in the Monthly and yearly budget summaries and all revenue funds with annually appropriated budgets. These statements show the original budget, final budget, actual amounts, and the variances between actual and final budgeted amounts. Operating the District is a dynamic undertaking and budget amendments may be approved throughout the year. Budgets are revised for a variety of reasons, such as unanticipated revenue sources, or unforeseen expenditures.
The District is solely supported by the rates and charges collected for the services provided. The District is a non-taxing entity of the State of Indiana.
The total projected revenue for the district was $6,834,552.00, with the total actual revenue at $7,431,987.00. A $163,430.00 budget surplus in miscellaneous revenue, $38,705.00 surplus in commercial and industrial revenues, a surplus of $125,011.00 in earned interest from moneys held on account at the Bank of New York Mellon for Project funding, and a surplus of $163,430.00 in Misc revenues account for the additional 9% of revenues over budget projections.
Collection System (002)
Department (002) finished at 96% of the total budget for this department. The Collection System Supervisor and Staff exercised exceptional control over the Collection department expenditures. The Overtime, Engineering, Locate Expenses, Vehicle Repairs, Pump Repair and Replacement, and Lift Station Generator Repairs were the largest contributors to expenditures for Department 002.
The collection system maintenance technicians completed an estimated 16,963 work orders during 2023. Over 800 work orders were completed after hours. Collection of GPS points, and the replacement of floats and ageing Grinder pumps are still an ongoing need that is being addressed as time allows.
The Department 02 Overtime Wages were 78% above the budget guidelines. Although this line item exceeded the budgeted amount, it is primarily due to an excess in in breakdowns and equipment replacements that occurred at some of the older Main Pumping Stations that have been in service close to 20 years. Service calls after hours are completed on an overtime basis to necessitate uninterrupted service and avoid sanitary sewer overflows. The Superintendent, Collection System Supervisor and our Engineers continue to discuss this to provide possible solution which avoids any potential rate increases.
Plant (006)
It is challenging to operate the SBR treatment plant during the winter months or any type of treatment plant. Foaming is a continuous problem during the winter months caused by a low nutrient value of the wastewater that flows to our treatment plant coupled with the low temperature of the wastewater and the fats, oils and grease in the wastewater.
SBR Tanks #1 and #2 were emptied, cleaned and repaired and air diffuser replacements were made to SBR tank #1 & #2 as well as the replacement of other necessary components as needed.
The District is currently charging $.04 per gallon for the septic tank waste that is transported to the District’s wastewater treatment facilities. The District was able to recognize an income of $144,492.00 for 2023. This was short of the budget projection by 24%. Future budget projections have been decreased to better reflect more realistic revenues from this.
The District has been able to sell all the bio-solids manufactured at $5.25 per ton to a local farmer. The farmer obtains the bio-solids by providing their own wheeled loader and operator along with their own transportation for hauling the bio-solids. The District was able to recognize an income of $9,050.00.
Department (006) finished at 91 % of the total budget for this department, which is an improvement over the
previous year of 17% over budget. The Treatment Plant staff exercised good control over spending in this
department. This speaks highly for our Plant Operations Department head Tyler Weldon and his dedicated
Administration (008)
The 008 Administration Department finished at exactly 100% of the budgeted amount. The Administration Department Head and staff did a very good job of managing expenditures which attributed to their budget ending at exactly the budgeted amount with no overages.
Overall Revenues and Expenditures
Revenues were over budget by 9%. The overall Expenditures finished at 97% of the projected budget. The District ended with an 18% surplus of Revenues over Expenditures.
Bonds current principal balance is $53,856,000.00. This consists of the following:
2014 Bond with a 2023 beginning balance of $390,000.00 and a 2023 ending balance of $0.
2017 Bond with a 2023 beginning balance of $748,000.00 and a 2023 ending balance of $0.
2018 Bond with a 2023 beginning balance of $1,190,000.00 and a 2023 ending balance of $1,164,000.00.
2019 Bond with a 2023 beginning balance of $1,079,000.00 and a 2023 ending balance of $1,027,000.00.
2020 Bond with a 2023 beginning balance of $2,810,000.00 and a 2023 ending balance of $2,730,000.00.
2020 Bond with a 2023 beginning balance of $37,480,000.00 and a 2023 ending balance of $37,040,000.00.
2023 Bond A with a 2023 beginning balance of $8,661,000.00 and a 2023 ending balance of $8,661,000.00.
2023 Bond B with a 2023 beginning balance of $3,234,000.00 and a 2023 ending balance of $3,234,000.00.
BANs current principal balance is $6,300,000.00. This consists of the following:
BAN A with a 2023 beginning balance of $2,250,000.00 and a 2023 ending balance of $0.
BAN B with a 2023 beginning balance of $650,000.00 and a 2023 ending balance of $650,000.00.
BAN C with a 2023 beginning balance of $650,000.00 and a 2023 ending balance of $650,000.00.
2023 BAN with a 2023 beginning balance of $5,000,000.00 and a 2023 ending balance of $5,000.000.
2023 Total Bond and BAN ending principal balance is $60,156,000.00.
Employee safety is very important to the District. Each staff member participates in safety training by presenting monthly safety topics that apply to the day-to-day work routine. The District’s staff has worked 39,821.25 hours in 2023 with no lost time accidents.
SLRWD Staff exceeded the IWEA Safety Requirements for 2023.
The documented, illustrated safety program and safety record of the facility for the preceding calendar year are the primary criteria for the requirements. The facility has an effective safety program as demonstrated by its injury/fatality rates and the facility shall have a designated safety official.
This is a reflection of the excellent job our staff does working as a Team!
Equipment Purchased in 2023
Collection System
Service Truck Equipment $15,475
11 – Myer Shared type Grinder Station control panels $16,060
279 – Myer V2 Grinder Station Pumps $504,990
27 – Single type Grinder Station control panels $30,780
10 – Duplex type Grinder station control panels $26,500
Treatment Facility
1 – Bobcat S76 Skid Loader $33,451.00
2 – Landia Chopper Pumps for Septage Receiving $27,062.00
Membrane kits for SBRs 1 and 2 $25942.00
Replace laboratory heat pump $7,014.00
Total Suspended Solids Drying oven for laboratory $3,119.88
Surge Suppression Equipment for Plant $13,032.00
VFDs for plant lift station $13,306.00
Capital Improvements Accomplished in 2023
Replacement of 11 Dual home control panels
Replacement of 27 Single home control panels
Replacement of 279 Ginder pumps
Replacement of 14 Maine Pump station transfer switches.
Replacement of air diffusing equipment in SBR’s 1 & 2
Total 2023 Capital Expenditures Improvements, Equipment and Repairs
$733,910 with an ending capital balance of $2,454,403
Potential 2024 Capital Expenditures
50 – Shared type grinder station control panels $78,750
60 – Single type grinder station control panels $73,200
10 – Duplex grinder station control panels $27,500
200 – Meyers V2 model Grinder pumps $390,000
Main pump station #24 Control panel $80,149
3 – Main pump stations #23 pumps $49,500